In Gujarat, the Diwali festival has seen a big jump in the case of corona virus. In Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara and Rajkot, the cases of Corona are increasing alarmingly. The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation had declared a 2-day curfew in the entire city and now the state government has announced night curfew in the metros. Is.
- The ST department made an important decision regarding night curfew in four metros
- The ST department canceled all reservation tickets
- Passengers have to get a ticket inside the bus
All reservations canceled due to curfew in metros
The state government has announced night curfew from 9 pm to 6 am in Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara and Rajkot. In view of this situation, the ST department of the state has canceled all reservations and announced that all passengers will have to take a ticket in the bus as it will not be possible for buses to enter these towns at night.
The highest number of 1540 new cases of corona was reported in Gujarat today
After the Diwali festival, Gujarat is witnessing a massive surge in corona cases. The situation is especially worsening in the western region, where most of the city’s cases are reported. According to the Corona figures released by the state government’s health department today, 1540 cases have been reported in the state in the last 24 hours.
14 people died during treatment
Notably, the total number of recovered patients reached 2,01,949 today with 1283 patients recovering from new cases of corona virus. Today the total death toll due to corona of 14 patients has reached 3906.
There are currently 14287 active cases in the state
Notably, there are currently 14287 active cases in the state. The recovery rate in the state is 99.99 per cent. So while continuous efforts are being made to increase the corona virus tests in Gujarat, a total of 91,469 new tests have been conducted in the state today. The total number of tests has reached 7,480,789.
Concern increased in Ahmedabad district with 349 cases
Today, 326 cases of corona have been reported in Ahmedabad city, 23 in Ahmedabad district, 221 in Surat city, 56 in Surat district, 128 in Vadodara city, 41 in Vadodara district, 69 in Rajkot city, 58 in Rajkot district, 42 in Gandhinagar city and 39 in Gandhinagar district.