Voter ID Card which is very old and taken long ago our photo looks very old and bad in it. Many people want to change this photo but cannot change the photo as they do not know the process of how to change the photo. Today in this post we will know the process of changing photo in election card.
Voter ID Card
Everyone above 18 years of age has a Voter ID Card. Election card is used as proof of identity while voting in elections and at various places. The photo in the election card that we have is very old and looks bad, it is not updated so it shows a very old photo.
What to do to change photo in election card
You can update the photo in the election card in two ways. Online and offline. The information to update photo in both these ways is as follows.
Offline process
You can also process offline to update photo in election card. For this you have to go to BLO of your area. Especially when electoral roll revision program is going on during special campaign days by giving your election card details and passport size photograph to the BLO at the election booth in your area form no. 8 Photo can be updated in full electoral roll.
How to Change Photo in Election Card Online
- Step 1: First visit National Voter Service Portal official website to change photo in voter ID card. in must be opened.
- Step 2: After this register on this portal. Login after registration.
- Step 3: Home screen will open after login. Where you will find the option of correction in personal details.
- Step 4: Then form no. Select option 8. Now you can select the language as per your convenience. At the top right of the form, you will find an option to change the language.
- Step 5: Now enter the required information in the form. Submit details like state, assembly name and district etc. in these details. Then fill in your various details like name, serial number, identity card number etc.
- Step 6: After this scroll down and you will find some update options. Now if you want to update photo click on photo option.
- Step 7: After this click on Browse. Here you have to select and upload your new photo.
- Step 8: After the photo is uploaded, you will be asked to enter the details like mobile number, email id and place name below.
- Step 9: After filling all the details, enter the captcha code and click on submit button.
- Step 10: After submitting the form, you will see a reference number on the screen.Note this number.
Let us tell you that with the help of this reference number you can check the status of your application. After submitting the application, you will also be sent a message on your registered mobile number and email ID. You can see the updated photo in the voter ID card after 30 days or when the next voter roll comes out.