Online Ration Card Service at Village Gujarat
At the taluka level, the villagers of last area had to push for the amendment of the ration card, now they will get rid of it. The government has issued a circular to make this work online in the gram panchayat.
Sun. After creating e-gram facility in 2007/08 and adding one online facility after another, it will be possible to reduce the name in ration card in one more facility or to add name or to go to gram panchayat for other improvements.
In which Rs.50 per amendment as well as the cardholder will have to give his declaration as well as self certified copy, on the basis of which the village computer entrepreneur will make his entry, scan the certificates, enter the information of the applicant in the digital Gujarat portal. It will be accompanied by a unique application number as well as the probable date of receipt of certificates
Electronic application will go online to Talati, he will check the relevant documents, if any incomplete or defects are found, he will inform the applicant by email or SMS. The information, base evidence will then be sent to the Deputy Mamlatdar Supply after the application with eligibility, which will be verified. He will then send it to the Mamlatdar. Who will digitally sign and issue a certificate to the applicant.
Online Ration Card Service at Village Gujarat
The applicant will get the revised ration card from the e-gram center in his own gram panchayat. This certificate will also be available from the applicant’s DG Locker account.
Thus, due to this facility, the villagers of Last area will be able to get Rs. 50 only at the local level and will be relieved from the push at the taluka level. This circular has been issued by Panchayat, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department from 15th December.
Important Link
Official Site Ration Card Service : Click Here
What is the process of getting an online ration card? See the following step.
Step 1: Register by logging on to the website
Step 2: Login to the site after registering.
Step 3: After login, a page will open with 6 questions that answer yes or no.
Step 4: Accept the terms by answering these 6 questions and enter the second phase.
Step 5: Submit the requested details in this step based on the answer to Step 3 questions.
Step 6: After submitting all the details, click the button for Data.
Step 7: Clicking this button will return a 5 digit password to the mobile number provided in step 5.
Step 8: Press the print button after the online verification of the details presented in step 5 with this password.
Step 9: A two-page online ration card will come in handy when you press this button. No grain or kerosene will be found on the card.
After registering on this software, website, after logging in, giving details of the documents, you can get online ration card at home. If the card holder completes the form for this convenient barboard ration card, 5.55 lakh card holders in the city district will be able to avail this special software. The ongoing exercise of establishing a quantitative distribution system with biometric methods is taking time. Due to which some citizens have to face problems. To overcome such problem of citizens, the supply system has arranged to provide online ration card for APL card holders. Only the two-page ration card shows the cardholder’s name, address, family member’s name, age, details of the gas connection and the manager of the cheap grain shop. Which looks very much like a ration card book.
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