Mukhyamantri GyanSadhana Scholarship Yojana. Chief Minister Gnansadhana Scholarship Scheme seceltion test.
Scheme | Mukhyamantri GyanSadhana Scholarship Yojana |
Implementation | Niyamak shree school |
Who will take the Selection exam? | SEB , |
Which standard students can take the Selection exam? | STD 8 |
ધોરણ 5 મુખ્યમંત્રી જ્ઞાનસેતુ CET પરીક્ષા જાહેરનામુ 2024
ધોરણ 8 મુખ્યમંત્રી જ્ઞાન સાધના શિષ્યવૃત્તિ પરીક્ષા જાહેરનામુ 2024
Mukhyamantri GyanSadhana Scholarship Yojana
Which students will benefit
Which students will benefit from Mukhyamantri GyanSadhana Scholarship Yojana?
Have completed Class: 1st to 8th consecutively in Government or Aided Primary School in the State and RTE. A total of 25,000 students who have taken admission in independent schools under the Act-2009 and who have completed class 8 with admission in class 1 and who are included in the merit in the entrance test conducted by the state examination board will be eligible to benefit from this scheme. In which as per the norms of the Government Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes students will be included and 50% of the beneficiaries will be girls in each category.
In which schools can students get admission
In which schools can students get admission in Mukhyamantri GyanSadhana Scholarship Yojana?
In self dependent schools or aided secondary and higher secondary schools
Aided School The aided school from which the student completed his 8th standard
Any Government Secondary and Higher Secondary School
After the completion of the academic year, if the student wants to change the school, he can change the school.
Norms of school selection under the scheme
Only self-supporting schools with 80% or more in board examination results of at least three years of standard: 10 out of the last five years of schooling will be eligible for selection.
Standard in schools:- 9th to 12th consecutive course.
Standard:- 9th to 12th Secondary and Higher Secondary sections are managed by a single Trust/Institution.
Standard:- 9th to 12th running consecutively in the same campus.
The list of selected schools will be placed on the portal for the scheme. And every year the selection list of schools will be updated by the Director, Schools, Gadhinagar based on the results and other issues.
Selection process
Selection process of beneficiary students under the scheme
Bright students who have scored more than the cutoff marks in the examination who want to avail the scheme should have the necessary documents like SC/ST Caste Certificate, Government Aided Primary School / Class 1 to 8 consecutive studies under the RTE Act-2009 on the portal created for the scheme. Aadhars, income proof.. etc. will be uploaded
Necessary instructions regarding this will be given to the students through notification SMS
Validation of the documents of the selected students should be done as per the instructions of the concerned District Education Officer, Director of Schools, Gandhinagar. Detailed instructions in this regard will be given by the Director, Schools, Gandhinagar.
The provisional merit list of the eligible students will be published on the portal after the verification of the documents of the commended students.
The students included in the provisional merit list have to upload their details on the portal after getting admission in St. 9 in a self-supporting / aided secondary school or any government secondary school selected by the Director, Schools Gandhinagar, and after verifying the admission process rules. According to will be the beneficiary of the scholarship
Procedure for admission
Procedure for admission of students
After verification of documents of the students, the merit list of the students who are eligible for this scholarship will be published on the portal by the Director, Schools, Gandhinagar. While preparing the state level list students from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will be included as per government norms and 50% of the beneficiaries will be girls in each category.
It is the sole responsibility of the students and their parents to get admission in the school of their choice.
Paripatr & Tharav
મુખ્યમંત્રી જ્ઞાન સાધના શિષ્યવૃતિ ઠરાવ 07/06/2023
જ્ઞાન સાધના શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના સુધારા ઠરાવ 20/10/2023