A complete understanding of diabetes and its treatment

By | February 26, 2023

A complete  in the understanding of  the diabetes and it is a treatment

  • What is a diet should can be a diabetic patient  are as follow?
  • Diet for a patients with a diabetes
  • The importance of the  exercise in diabetes

 What is diabetes?

The full name of  the diabetes which we  can know as a diabetes is a ‘diabetes  in a mellifluous’. Salt (salt  is  like a honey) Sweet in a urine like a honey means a diabetes mellifluous aka ‘diabetes in a  mellifluous’. From a now on, for in the sake of  the simplicity, in the disease is a referred to the  only as a diabetes. In a diabetic patient, in there is a deficiency of  the endocrine  in the insulin, which are the regulates are  glucose in the body. The main function of  the insulin is to the carry glucose a molecules from in the blood into the patient’s cells. Due to the lack of  the insulin, glucose in a  molecules cannot a reach the patient’s cells from  in the blood. As a result, even a though  in the body has a plenty of the  glucose,  in the body’s cells cannot use it. The condition of the body are the becomes like a state full of the  disorder and  in the chaos in a which people die of the  starvation despite in  the abundance of  the food. Even  a though there is a plenty of the  glucose in the body, the cells of a diabetic patient are suffer from a lack of  the glucose. As a blood glucose levels  are  in the rise (more than a 120 mg / d L), excess  to a blood glucose begins to be a excreted in the urine. This important in a component of  the nourishing  in the body is thus wasted and the patient’s are condition  in the worsens. He can be  feels a very hungry, thirsty and  the urinates to a lot; And in the long run, damage to the eyes, heart, kidneys, nerves, etc. can  be  a lead to the  many can be a  complications.

ડાયાબિટીસ હોય તો શું ખાવું અને શું ન ખાવું એ જોઈએ  આ વિડીયો માં જુઓઆ 4 ખોટી આદતો છે અને  ડાયાબિટીસ થવાના અમુક  આ  બધાજ   કારણ છે .

Healthy are  man’s in the  blood – what is the normal on the  sugar in the urine?

First of the  all, let’s understand a what is a “sugar” means. “Sugar” can be a mean “sugar” in a Gujarati or  a “sugar” in the  Sanskrit. Usually when it  is a comes to the  “sugar” in the blood or a urine, it is a considered to be  a glucose. Glucose is an a important on the fuel in that the  energizes in the body cells. Our diet can  be a consists of  the three main components of  the energy – carbohydrates; Protein and  in  the fat. The carbohydrates  in that make up  in the largest of these three are found in many different forms of  the food. Cereals, lentils, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tubers, fruits and  vegetables, are etc. have a very large share of carbohydrates. When a carbohydrates are ingested in a different in a forms, most of the food is a eventually converted into the  glucose after in  the  digestion. If you have a not a eaten during in the night, the next morning on an a empty stomach you will bee a find about 8 to  the 115 mg of  the glucose per a 100 ml of  the blood in a healthy  in a person.

After a meal,  in the digested glucose is a absorbed into the blood in a stream within a two or a  to three hours. Blood  in a glucose levels are rise dramatically during a period of the  about  in a half an hour to two hours after a daily meal There should be a no sugar

 Eat a variety of foods

Instead of  the eating in  the same foods in  a every day, eat a variety of the  foods. Instead of the same type of  the cereal-bean-vegetable or a fruit, choose a different types of  the cereal-bean-vegetable or a fruit on a daily basis so that can be a different tastes can be  a enjoyed and the ingredients in one type of  the food can be compensated by a  another in  the  food. If you are  get  a more potassium in a some fruits, you will  bee get a more vitamins in a others.

Choose more salty foods

Dietary in a  fiber can should be a sufficient in the diet of the  every healthy person. Patients with a diabetes are should a make a sure that they can  have a enough fiber in their diet. The fibers are  prevent in the sudden rise of  the sugar in the blood. As well as a preventing  in a cholesterol from  in the rising. Whole in a grains and in  the legumes are a  high in  the fiber. Cereal grains (e.g. barley, Kodak, same, linage) etc. have a more in the fiber. So give to a preference to the  small grains  instead of the large grains like a wheat-rice etc. Similarly choose to use hand-milled a rice and  the wheat flour instead of the  milled rice instead of the  milled rice. Instead of  the lentils and  the peeled fruits, if is a  possible, make it is a habit to eat all the fruits without a peeling. The roots have a relatively few fibers Prefer vegetable.

Who has a special need for diabetes prevention?

Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder. Diabetes can be a prevented if  they are proper steps are taken to the prevent it.

Obesity is one of the leading in a  causes of  in the diabetes. Excess to the  body fat a prevents are insulin from the working and  the leads to  the diabetes. Thus, are prevention of  the diabetes is a largely possible if it is a  weight gain is a controlled.

Women also get a diabetes  in a during a pregnancy which are disappears after to a child birth but such a women are more likely to get a diabetes again if they do not take to a care of it further. Therefore, women who have a diabetes during a pregnancy have to take  a  special care.

Hereditary in a  diabetes can also be a prevented or a reversed with a proper care through diet and  the exercise. Anyone with a maternal or a parental diabetes is more likely to  the develop diabetes, so special care should be a taken.

Symptoms of  the diabetes are  usually appear in a Indians between  in the ages of  the 30-40. Therefore, people in this age in a group should also be a very careful about in this diabetes.

Weight are  gain should be a stopped and weight loss measures should be a taken if the weight is a higher than normal.

Women with a diabetes during a pregnancy should be a controlled during a middle age and should be a diagnosed with a diabetes from time to  the time.

Consumption of  the excess are carbohydrates, sweets, refined flour, processed foods, oils, non-vegetarian foods and  the alcohol should be  a reduced. The diet should be a strong and the low in a  fat.

A diet are rich in a fiber should be  a taken more. Consumption of  the green vegetables, and fresh fruits, sprouted grains, pulses, and coarse grains should be a increased.

After a 3 years, blood and  the urine sugar should be a checked a periodically as per the doctor’s advice.

Exercise are regularly every day. Regular in a  exercises like  a walking, running, cycling, swimming and a functioning in our  body help to keep the diabetes are away.

Participate in a  diabetes are related in a workshops, camps, diagnosis camps etc. and  the stay informed about  in the latest information related to the diabetes.

What to  the look for to the prevent diabetes:

Just a few years ago, diabetes was a considered  to a disease. Diabetes was thought to be a more common among  in the sedentary and  the wealthy. But today diabetes has spread from a village to the village in a India. Diabetes is a now appearing even a among hard working farmers and in   the workers. But in the villages, often due to the  lack of  the information, laziness or a carelessness also leads to  the late diagnosis of  the diabetes and the  most people are follow home remedies even after a getting a diabetes. Regular blood-urine are glucose tests are not to be done and as a result diabetes is a greatly are increased. Diabetes often causes heart attacks and strokes. In a order to  the prevent such a serious situation, we need to know  in the symptoms of  the diabetes and in  the care that can be  should be a taken in the diabetes.

Eat foods in  that are not a high in a sugar.

It is not a uncommon for a diabetic to the  discontinue sugary  in the foods, but it is a important for a diabetics as well as a every healthy person to be a careful not to the exceed four teaspoons (twenty grams) to  a day. Excessive is a sweetness provides only energy (calories) without a vitamins and the  fiber. Which is a dangerous for a long term in the  health. If  is a sugar is to be “added” to the diet, the amount of the  other carbohydrates (starch, etc.) should be a reduced so that in  the total calories do not a increase.




Reduce consumption of salt soda-papad

Diabetes and hypertension are associated with each other. If one happens then  in the chances of  the getting a another disease are greatly increased. High blood pressure in a diabetic patient are increases  in the risk of the  kidney and  the heart damage. To  the prevent  in this from happening, it is a important for a every diabetic patient to the reduce their intake of  the sodium-containing items such as  a salt-soda-papas. A total of  the six grams of  a salt in the daily diet is more than a enough in a  salt. One pinch (made up of the  two fingers and  the thumbs) contains about two grams of  the salt so it is a desirable not to the use more than a three pinches of  the salt per person. It is also important to  the limit the use of the  soda-containing dishes and  the fanfares (e.g. ganthiya, fafda, papadi, etc.).

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