વોટ્સઅપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા  માટે અહીં કરો. જોઈન થાઓ

investing 2000 rupees in this LIC policy

Nowadays it is difficult to get a large amount of money from people’s income, so we have brought a LIC New Saving Scheme for you that you can gradually deposit a small amount and become the owner of 43 lakhs.

By investing 2000 rupees in this policy of LIC, a fund of 43 lakh rupees can be made. Know how

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Different plans are offered by LIC to the customers. People can choose the plan according to their wish and need and start investing. Here we are going to tell you about an important plan of LIC. Let us know…

LIC Scheme : Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) provides a wide range of life insurance schemes to people. Through these schemes, people can invest for long term and also get financial coverage over their life. Through life insurance from LIC, people get benefits both during life and after life. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about an important plan of LIC, which can be started even with less money and get good returns.

New Endowment Plan of LIC

The name of the plan we are talking about here is LIC’s New Endowment Plan (914). Through this plan people can open LIC up to 35 years. The age of the person covered by this scheme should be minimum 8 years and maximum 55 years. While the minimum sum assured for this scheme should be 1 lakh rupees.

અમે અહીં જે પ્લાન વિશે વાત કરી રહ્યા છીએ તેનું નામ છે LICનો નવો એન્ડોમેન્ટ પ્લાન (914). આ પ્લાન દ્વારા લોકો 35 વર્ષ સુધી LIC ખોલી શકે છે. આ યોજના દ્વારા આવરી લેવામાં આવતી વ્યક્તિની ઉંમર ઓછામાં ઓછી 8 વર્ષ અને મહત્તમ 55 વર્ષ હોવી જોઈએ. જ્યારે આ યોજના માટે લઘુત્તમ વીમા રકમ 1 લાખ રૂપિયા હોવી જોઈએ.

જો કોઈ વ્યક્તિ 25 વર્ષની ઉંમરે આ પ્લાનમાં રોકાણ કરવાનું શરૂ કરે છે, અને તેની પોલિસીનો સમયગાળો પણ 35 વર્ષ છે અને તે 9 લાખ રૂપિયાની વીમાની રકમ પસંદ કરે છે, તો પ્રથમ વર્ષ માટે વ્યક્તિનું માસિક પ્રીમિયમ 2046 રૂપિયા હશે. આવતા વર્ષથી, વ્યક્તિએ આ પોલિસી માટે દર મહિને 2002 રૂપિયાનું પ્રીમિયમ ચૂકવવું પડશે.

What to keep in mind before taking any policy?

To get a good return from any insurance plan of LIC, the age of the person and the policy tenure are very important. Apart from this, the amount you invest is also very important. In such a situation, whenever you get a policy,

Then you should pay a lot of attention to these three aspects.

  • 1. Your age
  • 2. For how many years the premium is to be paid
  • 3. How much premium to pay.


If a person starts investing in this plan at the age of 25 years, and his policy tenure is also 35 years and he chooses a sum assured of Rs 9 lakh, the monthly premium for the first year will be Rs 2046. From next year, one will have to pay a premium of Rs 2002 per month for this policy.

How much fund can be created in an investment of only 2000?

In such a situation, for a policy with a sum assured of Rs 9 lakh, a person would have to pay a total premium of Rs 8,23,052 for 35 years. In return, the individual will get Rs 43,87,500 on maturity after 35 years. In such a situation, a person can build a fund of over Rs 43 lakh by paying a monthly premium of Rs 2,000 for 35 years.

Some people will think that this is when we get money and when we will use it, but remember one thing that the lake is filled drop by drop.

Note:Be sure to consult a doctor before adopting any health tips. Because no one knows better than your doctor what is appropriate or how appropriate according to your body
Updated: September 11, 2023 — 10:56 am

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